1、专业的教师团队,掌握前沿的教学方法 2、教学经验丰富,善于激发学生的潜能 3、善于带动学员融入情景体验式课堂
【例】The whole 150-mile stretch is influenced by tides from the Atlantic Ocean. 整个150英里的路程受到大西洋潮汐的影响。
【例】These female writers, like most of their male counterparts, were amateur historians. 这些女性作家和多数男性作家一样,都是业余历史学家。
rehabilitate [ribltet] v. 使恢复原状,修复(restore)
【例】The Anasazi family was matrilinear, that is, descent was tracedthrough the female. 阿那萨奇人的家庭是母系家庭,也确是说通过女性来传宗接代。//Scientists believe that when the oceans were young, they contained only a trace of salt. 科学家们认为,海洋在刚形成的时候只包含少量的盐分。
【例】All the statues along the road seems perfectly designed for thegrand religious perception the local people often had there. 路旁所有的雕像似乎完全是为迎合当地人拥有的宏大宗教观念而设计的。
【参】handsome(a. 英俊的);wholesome(a. 卫生的,健康的)
coarse [krs] a. 粗(糙)的(*rough)
描述一个人,最容易的角度便是这个人内在的qualities. 如:humorous, open-minded, easy-going, warm-hearted, community-minded, high driven, visionary, knowledgeable… 有了这些点之后,我们要想办法把点变成线,也就是把一个观点扩充成一到两个句子。
再来看一类task 1 的考题:Choose an object you like and explain why it is of special value to you.
a book that you want to read again (Longman p.58),an important composition, example: essay, poem, letter (TOFEL ibt 08.05.17),a TV program that you really like to watch (Longman p.54),a type of music you like most (Longman p.56)等等,需要考生在考前花大量的时间去整理思路,只有做到有备无患,在能在考场上胸有成竹,口若悬河。
She didn’t like to be treated as a child. 她不喜欢被当作小孩一样看待。