In a society hat judges self-worth on productivity, it is no wonder we fall prey to the misconception that the more we do, the more we're worth.
(E)and in other medical specialties
第一节 比较语法知识
develops a point of view on the issue, demonstrating some critical thinking, but may do so inconsistently or use inadequate examples, reasons, or other evidence to support its position
(A)Before being widely collected for its
文章的拼写错误很多,全部都是口语化的东西,虽然SAT没有要求考生把作文写得像academic essay(学术论文)一样,但要是一个阅卷者在批阅一份作文时候,感觉像是在听这个作者面对面地讲话,他能给这个作文很高的评价吗?而且,整个文章的句式死板单调,显得很稚气,不像是个即将进入大学学习的中学生的作品。
(Yet) a hero is one who ... (give definition for XXX)
并且文章使用了一些过渡词,如one of, although, however, a specific example, for this reason等,使得全文逻辑严密自然。
Think carefully about the issue presented in the following excerpt and the assignment below.
He will always phone others to go partying with him. He spends his weekends at arcades and restaurants eating lavish dinners. One thing he doesn't do is studying. That was the thing he initially set out to do.
Student:Oh, I see. Since I\'m a sophomore, I can register between 10 and 12 a.m.on Wednesday, the 25th.
The new student is a little slow on the uptake,so you have to be patient.