The window was blown by wind. 窗户被风吹开了。
【搭】a good deal(of) 许多;deal with 处理;deal in 经营
colonial [klonil] a. 殖民(地)的
sloth [sloθ] n. 树懒
【例】There are still vacant rooms. 如今仍然有空房间。
【例】We'll explore through lecture and discussion what prominent political thinkers had to say about the topic. 我们将通过讲课和讨论的方式来探究著名政治思想家对这个话题的看法。
【例】Your professor has asked me to talk to you today about the topic that should be of real concern to civil engineers: the erosion of the US beaches. 你的教授让我今天和你谈谈土木工程师真正应该关心的问题:美国海岸遇到的侵蚀。
rebel [rbel] vt. 造反
music in rural communities. 作曲家们经常在乡村创作音乐。
【派】briefing(n. 简报;作战指示);briefly(ad. 简要地,简短地)
zealous [zels] a. 狂热的(crazy)
ethnology [eθnldi] n. 人种学,民族学
improvise [mprvaz] vt. 即席创作;临时准备
【记】来自ripe(a. 成熟的)
【例】Their hands and feet are designed for holding and grasping branches. 他们的手和脚是用来抓握树枝的。