1、专业的教师团队,掌握前沿的教学方法 2、教学经验丰富,善于激发学生的潜能 3、善于带动学员融入情景体验式课堂
【搭】garbage disposal 垃圾处理
B: Better watch your step. A lot of people would like to trade places with
Sally:Well, our company has produced textiles for many years,and now we have fifty retail outlets nationwide. We enjoy a good reputation in the textile industry, and now our company has commanded 30% of domestic market.
【例】Shellfish always attach themselves to huge rocks. 贝类经常将自己贴附在大石块上。
chagrin [rn] n. 懊恼,失望(disappointment)
【例】The oceanic islands of the Pacific are some of the most isolated places on Earth. 太平洋上的海岛是地球上最与世隔绝的地方。//A folk culture is small, isolated and cohesive. 民俗文化的规模小,独一无二且有凝聚性。
【派】dramatically(ad. 戏剧性地,引人注目地)
【搭】landmark and historic sites 风景名胜
A new semester, a new learning task, a new teacher. My teacher, I can live up to your hope, I will study hard! With the best result repay you!
n. 穷人分解为paper+u,paper是 纸 ,u借用汉语读音 有 ,联想一个情景:富人有的是钱,但穷人光有纸没有钱,所以光有纸的人就是穷人
【例】Most astronomers agree that comets are primordial remnants fromthe formation of the solar system. 多数天文学家认为彗星是太阳系形成时产生的原始残余物。
【例】She is consulting with the reference librarian. 她正在向参考书阅览室的图书管理员请教。
【例】Before I go on to the biochemical specifics of how this works, let me provide a figurative example. 我先打一个比方,接着再具体解释这怎么发生了生化作用。
quotation [kwoten] n. 引文,引语,语录;报价,牌价
I agree with most of what you said, but I don’t agree with everything.我同意你说的大内容我并非同意你讲的一切。