1、专业的教师团队,掌握前沿的教学方法 2、教学经验丰富,善于激发学生的潜能 3、善于带动学员融入情景体验式课堂
The thing that most people are guilty of is asking a question and expecting a specific response. For example, if I wrote this paper and asked my teacher if it was any good, I might expect her to say yes. Not necessarily because it really is a good paper, but because I don't want to get my feelings hurt if she tells me no. Why, then, do people ask these questions? To receive some sort of encouragement, regardless of whether it is an honest response or not.
The thing that most people are guilty of is asking a question and expecting a specific response. For example, if I wrote this paper and asked my teacher if it was any good, I might expect her to say yes. Not necessarily because it really is a good paper, but because I don't want to get my feelings hurt if she tells me no. Why, then, do people ask these questions? To receive some sort of encouragement, regardless of whether it is an honest response or not.
3. Although Vincent Van Gogh influenced countless artists after his death, during his lifetime, he failed to achieve fame for the art he created nor profiting from sales of his work.
developed such a believable character. Thinking back to my first audition I was grateful for that chance I had to learn and to grow, because without that mistake I might have tried to base "Chris" off of someone I'd known or something I'd seen instead of becoming my own character. I utilized the memory of the Elizabeth Taylor debacle to improve my approach to acting and gave the best performance of my life so far.
另外,作者在适当的时候用了一些过渡词(如although, however, yet, but, instead和so等),使文章的逻辑性更加清晰。
例:Like Mary,Judy's legs are also long.
I\'ve learned something.
The TV show was interesting. (那个电视节目很有意思。)
第二段,讲政客的时候,以美国前总统小布什在伊拉克战争问题上的出尔反尔为例。(For example, George. W. Bush have been saying he will end the war in the Middle East since 2003. Now, in 2008, the war is continuing raging fervently.
在第一段,如果作者把下面要举例的两个人(Julius Caesar和William Shakespeare)在第一段提及一下会更好。
Like the bluesy “Strange Fruit” by Billie Holiday, this was meant as an anti-racismsong but unlike “Strange Fruit”, it takes on a hopeful outlook for change in thefuture.