[d'mit]v. 承认;准许…进入;准许…加入
【例】Talking to students about the requirements of a course helps to clarify what needs to be done. 告诉学生课堂要求有助于他们了解自己所需要做的工作。
[bibli'grfi]n. 参考书目;书目
【记】联想记忆:来自casual(a. 偶然的)
【例】When you leave the house, make sure the windows and doors are shut, and set the burglar alarm. 当你离开房子时,务必关好门窗,并打开防盗报警器。
【例】Accuracy is not always compatible with haste. 忙中难免出错。
[b]n. 徽章;标记;象征
【例】A series of lectures organised by the Students' Union is part of the union's attempt to help students stay healthy. 学生会举办的一系列讲座是为帮助学生保持健康而做的努力的一部分。
【例】I have some things to give to charity in a box in the front room. 我在前厅用盒子装了些东西,准备捐给慈善机构。
【例】The warden censured the guard for letting the prisoner escape. 典狱官责骂狱警放走了罪犯。
【例】Detailed surveys of social and economic trends in the European Community show that Europe's population is falling and getting older. 欧共体开展的关于社会经济趋势的详细调查显示,欧洲人口在减少且开始呈现老龄化。
【例】These oversize clumsy cars would slow down traffic. 这些体形大而笨拙的汽车会减缓交通的速度。
【例】When you leave the house, make sure the windows and doors are shut, and set the burglar alarm. 当你离开房子时,务必关好门窗,并打开防盗报警器。