puncture [paltktr] v. 刺穿(*pierce, penetrate)
renaissance [rensns] n. 复兴,再生(revival)
【例】The architects laid out a systtem of public roads with stone staircases for ascending cliff faces. 建筑师用石台阶设计了公用道路系统,以攀登岩壁。
as for sb.
as to sth.
master v.
master a foreign language
master n. 主人
You are my master now.
be essential to sth.
As for me, dictation is essential to mastering English listening comprehension.
【搭】a dominant power in the world 世界头号强国;dominant position 支配地位;dominant philosophy 主流哲学;dominant theme 主题,主旨;dominant in sth. 主宰…
engine [endn] n. 引擎,发动机
The newborn baby has a hairy head.
tenement [tenmnt] n. 廉租公寓
【派】adoptive(a. 采用的)
sensible [sensbl] a. 明显的(perceptible);明智的(advisable);切合实际的(practical)
【例】Although this might seem to be a digression, the professor is using an example to explain why plants that are grown in water must have gas bubbled through the water. 表面看来这好像是题外话,实际上教授是在用这个例子来解释水生植物为何必须在水中产生气泡。
This product is now in great demand and we have on hand many enquiries from other countries.
【例】Political parties in the United States help to coordinate the campaigns of their members that mark election years. 美国的政党帮助配合其候选人在选举年的竞选。
salon [sln] n. (营业性的)厅,院,室,店
【例】Monet and his 29 fellow artists adopted the same name as abadge of their unity. 莫奈和29位艺术家同行采用了同样的名字,以示团结。
B: Some bargain. You should ask for a refund.