【例】The White House is the oldest public edifice in Washington D. C. 白宫是华盛顿特区最古老的公共建筑。
【例】Practice makes perfect. 熟能生巧。
【例】The potters replaced the imports with comparable domestic goods. 制陶工人用类似的国内产品替代了进口品。
【搭】physical attribute 物理特性;身体素质
【例】Other chimpanzees have learned to use numerals to label quantities of items and do simple sums. 其他黑猩猩已经学会了使用数字来标记物品的数量,并做简单的加法运算。
【派】communication(n. 交流;通讯;传播)
notation [noten] n. 符号
spice [spas] n. 香料,调味品(season, flavor)
【例】We'll explore through lecture and discussion what prominent political thinkers had to say about the topic. 我们将通过讲课和讨论的方式来探究著名政治思想家对这个话题的看法。
phenomena [fnmn] n. [pl.] 现象
【派】adoptive(a. 采用的)
【例】Penmanship was often taught as a separate subject from the first grade. 书法通常从一年级开始就被作为一个独立的科目来教授。
financial [fannl] a. 财政的,金融的
The whole village has been washed away by the flood. 整个村庄都被洪水冲走了。
【例】She never wakes up before her alarm goes off. 闹钟不响她就醒不来。//Ecologists would probably be alarmed by the scientists' findings. 科学家们的发现可能会使生态学家们感到惊恐。
【例】Enzymes are what make many of the body's biochemical reactions possible. 酶使身体的很多生化反应成为可能。//There are two reasons that enzymes are so effective at enabling biochemical reactions. 酶之因此能这样有效地促使生化反应,缘由有两个。
maintenance [mentnns] n. 维护,保养(upkeep)
【派】congested(a. 拥挤的)
【派】briefing(n. 简报;作战指示);briefly(ad. 简要地,简短地)
【例】When the scientists looked at the shoot versus the root surface, they found that the shoot surface, with all of its leaves, had a total surface area of about five square meters. 科学家们对比芽部和根部表面时发现,将所有叶片面积计算在内,芽表面的总表面积大约有5平方米。