在新鲜出炉的中考英语中 新一 大显身手。
Mr. Wang is very friendly, and ____like him very much.
A. we B. us C. our D. ours
The goods will be sent in accordance with your instructions.
(E)there were local customs in the city which confused Greg
该校哲学、人类学和电影研究系的比德威廉姆斯(Bede Williams)受亨氏公司所托,查看了针对本国前20名抓耳歌曲的研究,以此帮助亨氏改进新的#罐头曲电视广告。
第三段,作者举了美国前总统克林顿和美国儿童小说作家Judy Blume的例子,但作者没有把他们两人的价值进行比较,这个比较留给了读者。
Unlike the other ladyboys hoping to find men to protect them , suay just buried the friendship from cheuk in her heart . occasionally some visitors known cheuk before came in the pub , suay was hardly known that cheuk was mistakenly killed his team member in a duty , he was blamed and left the job , he ever talked with his police father for several years just because of this event . . . . as usual daily life , cheuk and suay were preparing opening of a new pub , cheuk told suay he wanted to terminate the job
这两段文字幽默,但又决不重合现象,因此,非常具有杀伤力。尤其是第三段结尾的一句“I know that's my father's philosophy when my mother poses such questions.”用了两个书面语的大词“philosophy”与“poses questions”,自揭家里的小小尴尬,把阅卷的考官一下子逗笑,高分也就志在必得了。
The finals are going to begin soon and the players are intensifying their training.
utter someone up 意思是常说的“阿谀奉承,巴结讨好”的意思,butter本意是指“黄油,奶油”,在汉语中常用某人嘴上像抹了油一样来形容人很圆滑,很会拍马屁吗?
One of the biggest recent scandals in the business world involved many executives from Enron. These men were focusedon how much they could produce, on how much money they could make for themselves. To increase their production, they engaged in risky, illegal, and unethical business practices that eventually led to the total destruction of the entire company and ruined the lives thousands of Enron employees and investors. Although the dollar value of these men may have been very high at one time, their current value and worth has plummeted. If we think of value in another sense, with a humanitarian or social slant, it becomes even more obvious that these men now have little worth in the eyes of their peers, former employees, and former stockholders. The Enron executives should have focused on making a quality product rather than on quantity in order to maintain a successful company along with satisfied employees and stockholders.
例:When the positive integer k is divided by 7, the remainder is 6. What is the remainder when k+2 is divided by 7?