1、专业的教师团队,掌握前沿的教学方法 2、教学经验丰富,善于激发学生的潜能 3、善于带动学员融入情景体验式课堂
Rudyard Kipling once wrote in his poem, which said that you will be a man if you can stand up and say what you believe in when all men around you doubt you. Heroes must have the courage to risk everything they love to stand up for theirselves in the face of opposition. Both William Iloyd Garrison and Harriet Beecher Stowe stood up against a society which had accepted slavery as a right. They believed that what their heart told them was right and risked everything to tell the public what they believed in. These two people have hopefully shown others to believe in themselves and what they view in their hearts.
Have you had lunch?
\"Sometimes,\" one of them confessed, \"when I go to my refrigerator, I can\'t remember if I\'m putting something in or taking something out.\"
例:She is not only pretty but also an intelligent girl.
对于这样的文章,结尾段要非常注意,因为一味证反,会让人觉得过于咄咄逼人,因此往往在最后一段进行平衡。“A loyal friend will probably tell you the truth when you need to hear it. But what is perhaps more important to many people is that a loyal friend also knows just how and when to lie.”文章结尾的两个句子,虽然表达的是同一个意思,但看起来却是再一次从正反两个方面有力地说明“聪明的朋友知道何时说真话,何时说假话”。
● SAT作文的开头
只有B和E符合要求。但在E中,首先是主谓不一致,主语是integrity;其次动词应该是rests on而不是rest on。(C也犯了同样的错误;同时,the requirements纯属多余。)
Article 40 enter combat readiness level by the corps of orders or head of the detachment from the higher leadership for approval and announcement
directly with these companies.(大部分旅行社代理都不和这些公司直接做生意。)
3.“drum up”意为“竭力争取,通过持续不懈的努力得来”,例如:Peter is in Europe, drumming- up business for his new investment company.(彼得现在在欧洲,努力为他新开办的投资公司争取生意。)
Dear Mr .Block,
We are pleased to inform you that our company have marketed a new product .As we know, snazzy products have a good market opportunity now.our new product is a kind of snazzy products. Besides the quality of our products is the other strength.I think you have to acknowledge that this two will be more competitive and appeal to many customers.If you would like to take the matter further, please let us know.