1、专业的教师团队,掌握前沿的教学方法 2、教学经验丰富,善于激发学生的潜能 3、善于带动学员融入情景体验式课堂
aurora [rr] n. 极光
aurora [rr] n. 极光
【例】The skin of the grass mouse contains lots of melanin, or dark pigmments. 草鼠的皮肤包含很多黑色素。
Everyone cannot do it.=Not everyone can do it.并每个人都能做。
aim/level at the moon 想入非非, 野心太大
moon away 虚度时光
Dont\'t moon away the Mid-autumn Festival。找点事儿做吧,不要虚度了中秋佳节哦。
Owing to the quickening pace of life, competition goes increasingly fierce in all walks of life, stimulating everyone to pursue one goal after another.
method [meθd] n. 办法(*means);秩序(system)
The hindus and arabs were aware of the totally new concept of mathematical proof promulgated by the greeks .
dominant [dmnnt] a. 支配的(predominant),统治的;占优势的(important, outweighing)
9. It is requested that you kindly take immediate action in the matter. 对于此事,请速做处理。
To begin with, moral values in America are like those in any culture. In fact, many aspects of morality are universal. But the stories and traditions that teach them are unique to each culture. Not only that, but culture influences how people show these virtues.
【例】They did unearth the bonesof a 45-foot-long dinosaur. 他们的确挖掘出了有着45英尺身长的恐龙的骨骼。
Having evolved when the pace of life was slower, the human brain has aninherent defect that prevents it from absorbing several streams of informationsimultaneously and acting on them quickly.
friend, `living in a poor room like this.
\"Oh no.\" said the student, \"I am busy with my
studies and I\'m not interested in my room.
\"But you only cat plain rice - you don\'t have money for
anything tasty \"
\"Yes, it\'s true, I eat only plain rice. But the
delicious smells that come from the kitchen make thc rice very tasty indeed.
[解释] 你喜欢的人不喜欢。比如:不要给所朋友送一样的礼物。Don\'t give all your friends Chinese made drinking glasses, one man\'s meat is another\'s poison.
【例】Although these bats sleep during the day, they do so curled up with their heads exposed to the sun. 虽然这些蝙蝠白天睡觉,它们依然会蜷起身体而将头暴露在阳光之下。
fasten [fsn] vt. 强加于(impose);使固定(fix);系(tie)
tow [to] v. /n. 拖,牵引(pull)