1、专业的教师团队,掌握前沿的教学方法 2、教学经验丰富,善于激发学生的潜能 3、善于带动学员融入情景体验式课堂
【派】debatable(a. 有争执的)
【例】Hard work was so typical of immigrants and pioneers who settled the American Midwest. 勤奋是在美国中西部定居的移民和拓荒者的典型特点。
【搭】lose one's balance 失去平衡;balance oneself 保持自身平衡;a balance of nature 自然平衡;maintain balance 保持平衡
roost [rust] n. 栖息处,鸟巢 v. 栖息(alight, perch)
forestall [frstl] vt. 预防,预先阻止
160. Relate to…感同161. 身受
Relate指“与….系”,不过是指怎样的关系呢?字在对话中的用法是relate to….指的“感同身受的体会”。说法常常可以听到。
A:I’m afraid to flying. 我害怕坐飞机。
B:I can relate to that. I have nightmares about plane crashes.
Relate to 也可以用来表达“沟通上有共识”。若是“代沟”(generation gap),或是观念不同而沟通上的,你就可以用上下面的这句话。
A:I have trouble relating to Carol. 我跟卡罗沟通很难。
B:Maybe it’s because she’s 30 years older than you.
162. On a moment’s notice 临时通知
Notice是“通知,注意”的意思,on a moment’s notice指“到了最后一刻,才临时来的通知”。通常医生是最容易被临时通知出诊的行业了。
A:He’s a great doctor. He’s always there on a moment’s notice.
Her designs have great originality .
The restaurant owner was furious. This student was stealing
the smells from his kit.chen. He decided to tatke him to court.
Everybody in the court laughed whcn the me; n man accuset thc
student of stealing hi.s smells\'. But thc judge took him seriously.\"Every
【例】Burning would also stop when the combustible substance was emptied of all its phlogiston. 把易燃物里的燃素全部提取出来,燃烧也会停止。
Will you please tell us the specifications, quantity and packing you want, so that we can work out the offer ASAP.
【例】Jack caught a fish and dropped it beside him on the ice andt froze solid. 杰克捉到一条鱼,随手扔在了身旁的冰上,结果鱼冻得硬邦邦的。//I was really happy to be writing a detective story. But after the first few pages, I sort of froze up mentally. 我很高兴能写侦探小说。可是只写了几页我脑子就不转了。
【例】At the South Pole lies Antarctica, the coldest and most desolate region on Earth. 南极洲在南极,是地球上最寒冷荒凉的地区。
牛排要七分熟。Steak medium well.
请给我一瓶矿泉水。May I have a bottle of mineral water?
The scheme mostly benefits people in the North and Midlands.
【派】mutually(ad. 互相地)