1、专业的教师团队,掌握前沿的教学方法 2、教学经验丰富,善于激发学生的潜能 3、善于带动学员融入情景体验式课堂
Based on the two passages, Douglass and Dana differ in their views of the effect of the CivilWar in that Douglass believes that the war has…(观点)
(A)for either Europe or Asia
The inhumanness of the owner caused many southerners to ban the book in anger, but at the same time it brought the terrible act of slavery to the light.
来自玩扑克牌游戏的词汇是:The cards are stacked against you。The cards are stacked against you。这句话是说,你很不利的情况下,的机会很少。下面的例子是说人受了骗:
例句-3: \"Last night I got into a poker game with these men I met in the hotel bar. And I lost a thousand dollars before I realized the cards were stacked against me. All I could do was pick up the money I had left and walk away.\"
不要做的过火,否则看起来像是刻意打动阅卷者就不好了,只需要在作文中点缀至少几个big words以使你的观点看起来更可信就可以了。
We were talking about the Civil War and the abolition of slavery. I was well prepared, of course. I knew all about the Battle of Antietam and the Battle of Bentonville, I could find the battlefields on a map and tell you how many people had died. I raised my hand to give an answer and Mr. Blumgarden called on me. After I had answered, he asked me another question. But this was an unusual question. He asked me what I thoughtsoldiers on both sides thought about what they were fighting for. After that other people chimed in. And the class began to discuss the beliefs of both sides, the reason they went to war, and what might have happened if the other side had won. And I kept raising my hand, not to show how much I knew but, for once, because I was really interested.
eceives the subarray from the MASTER article.
本文最大的特点就是landmark用得非常的清晰。也就是说,在每一段的开头都有明确的topic sentence 进行预告我这段将会讲什么内容。在每段结束时,能尽量再次用不同的语言进行归纳总结。
Some comrades love to stir up trouble in their units.