Rudyard Kipling once wrote in his poem, which said that you will be a man if you can stand up and say what you believe in when all men around you doubt you. Heroes must have the courage to risk everything they love to stand up for theirselves in the face of opposition. Both William Iloyd Garrison and Harriet Beecher Stowe stood up against a society which had accepted slavery as a right. They believed that what their heart told them was right and risked everything to tell the public what they believed in. These two people have hopefully shown others to believe in themselves and what they view in their hearts.
这里,显然是comic books被收藏,那只能用they或their来指代了。据此,先排除A、B、C,因为这三个选项中的it或its在句中找不到指代对象。
I changed a lot in the course of that year. It started in history class as I realized that history is more than a string of names and dates. It's a story about people and the choices they make, and it's a story that can help us learn to be smart about our lives in the present. I started to relax a bit in all my classes and as I did, the others became more fun as well. We read Charles Dickens "Oliver Twist" that year and I truly enjoyed it it was funny and some of the characters reminded me of people I knew. I was learning how to learn, how to involve myself in the subjects and come to my own conclusions.
You ought to read these books if you want to know how to repair the motorcar.
注意,即使这道题有个he uses的选项,也不能选。因为someone可能是男也可能是女,所以要用he or she。
Though she\'d lost her job, she saved face by saying she\'d left it willingly.
But through all this work,, I didn't really learn much. I don't remember all thosenames and dates and capital cities I memorized. I also couldn't tell you what my favorite books or poems or heroes were from that time. My learning had no real meaning for me. I didn't really stop and think about any of it, or interpret the information in my own personal way. I just tried to remember pages and pages of isolated facts.
C不仅要把were改为was,同时,so前面不应该再加分号(分号的文法功能等同一个连词);另外,has been属于现在时态,和句子过去时态的大背景冲突。
Yeah, and I\'ve learned something. (是呀,我长了不少见识。)
在本题的A选项里,the bite pressure of wolves,核心名词是bite pressure。用bite pressure和German Shepherds进行比较,显然是不可比的,应该在German Shepherds前加上that of。