(D)and being accurate as well
In the literary world, success is measured by the number of books sold. Authors who sell millions of books are valued morethan those who sell hundreds of books, so it appears that worth, in this case, is best judged by a writer's productivity. This scenario, however, is misleading, since one writer may produce a single work that becomes a best-seller in comparison to another writer who produces dozens of works each of which sell a limited number. Which writer truly has more worth? A specific example o illustrate this scenario is Bill Clinton compared to Judy Blume. Clinton recently published his memories, which will likely be very successful and become a best-seller. Blume, the author of many books for teenagers, probably hasn't and won't ever appear on the best-seller list. Is Clinton worth more because his name and political career make his book successful? Or is Blume worth more because her portrayals of teen life affect many meaningful criteria of judging worth.
We would very much deplore it if a popular programme were taken off as a result of political pressure.
Registered consultant:Yes, and you should get there early so you can be the frst in line.
I wish you\'d stop trying to butter me up.
develops a point of view on the issue, demonstrating some critical thinking, but may do so inconsistently or use inadequate examples, reasons, or other evidence to support its position
例:Set S contains the positive multiples of 6 that are less than 50,and set T contains the positive multiples of 8 that are less than 50. How many numbers do sets S and T have in common?
Think carefully about the issue presented in the following excerpt and the assignment below:
5. In a survey, 88 people were asked about two television programs, X and Y. Of the people surveyed, 56 watch program X, 42 watch program Y, and 10 watch neither program. How many of the people surveyed
方程组(system of equations):把若干个方程合在一起研究,使其中的未知量同时满足每一个方程的一组方程。
The students each have his own interest.