C不仅要把were改为was,同时,so前面不应该再加分号(分号的文法功能等同一个连词);另外,has been属于现在时态,和句子过去时态的大背景冲突。
I noticed that you\'ve got a new smart phone.
【温故】以前我们说买了什么东西时,都会用到buy这个词,如:I bought a new phone last week.(我上周买了部新手机)还有一个词purchase也可以表示“购买”,但一般指“大批购买东西”。
Robert : i am a new student . my name is robert .
(A)you will be using
a: hey eve, how are you?
B: I’m fine, celia. And you?
A: I’m ok. I’m so busy!
B; do you have a lot of homework?
A: yes. Don’t you?
B: of course I do!
A: which class are you working on right now?
B; I’m studying for my chemistry exam tomorrow.
A: are you in’s class?
B: yes. Are you?
A: yes. We must have the same exam tomorrow!
B: do you want to study together?
A; sure. This library is too quiet though.
B; do you want to go to and empty classroom?
A: that sounds good.
B; ok. Let’s go!
A: lucy, you’re back. How was your first day of school?
B; it was great. I had a really good time.
A; what classed did you have?
B: well, I had English from 9:00 to 11:00, art from 12:00 to 2:00, and math from 2:00 to 4:00.
A: what do you think about the teachers?
B; to be honest, I liked all of them, except for the math teacher. Though he must be quite young, he seem like an old person. He’s so boring!
A: that’s too bad. How was your English teacher?
B: she was great. In today’s class, she gave us a lecture on how to be a good student. She told us not to cram for exams, and to pay more attention on communicating that memorizing.
(B)the creating of an independent treasury, establishing lower tariffs, and the purchase of
would as soon do A as B (宁愿做A不愿做B)
(C)is no different for girls than for boys
As the saying goes in English: A picture is worth a thousand words. Help activate the creative side of your brain by trying to describe a photo or other image. You can combine use this also to activate your vocabulary by choosing a picture that has something to do with the subject your are going to study in English.
I wish you\'d stop trying to butter me up.
Don\'t take it to heart.别往心里去,别为此而忧虑伤神。生活实例:
This test isn\'t that important. Don\'t take it to heart.
We\'d better be off.我们该走了。It\'s getting late. We\'d better be off .
When I got to my grandmother\'s house, my mother complained incessantly that she was tired in the unit and tired at home.
1. Hi!Everybody!嗨,大家好!
2. Hello!
3. Good morning/afternoon/Evening!
4. Good morning/goodafternoon, class/everyone/boys and girls/Children!