accounting [kantalt] n. 会计学
英语学习 和月亮有关的英语词句
She is over the moon about the two holidays。连着两个节假日,她高兴极了。(呵呵,的确让人感到over the moon呢。)
asymmetrical [esmetrkl] a. 不均匀的;不对称的(unbalanced, uneven)
《世界新闻报》 The News of the World:
predominant [prdmnnt] a. 支配的;主要的(dominant, principal)
Will: This looks like Katie’s daughter.
Dolly: You bet. She’s got Katie’s eyes, doesn’t she? And talent, forget about it. Do you know that this kid made from 10)scratch all these crazy hats?
acute [kjut] a. 极度的;(事情)激烈的(*intense),剧烈的;敏锐的(keen);严重的
rural [rrl] a. 乡村的,农村的(country);田园的
【派】deceptive(a. 欺骗性的)
composition [kmpzn] n. 成分(component);构成(composing);作品,作文(works, writing)
《旁观者》The Spectator创刊于1828年,是英国全国性周刊中历史最久的杂志.
Do you think its benefits exceed its drawbacks?
【例】Ethnology is a branch of anthropology that deals with how various cultures developed. 民族学是人类学的分支,研究各种文化是怎么发展的。
10. It hasn’t been made clear when the new road is open to traffic. 新路什么时候通车还没有宣布。
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