1、专业的教师团队,掌握前沿的教学方法 2、教学经验丰富,善于激发学生的潜能 3、善于带动学员融入情景体验式课堂
b) We may also make some English pen pals to establish English communication relationship through some media like newspaper and magazines.
我们学习目的是为了与别人进行交流,所以英语中的几个要素的重要次序应为: 流利-准确-恰当 .
B. Try to find some partners practicing oral English together and English corner is a good place as where we may exchange English study experience, widen our sight and improve interest in English.
例:Mary came home late last night, which upset us a lot.
Think carefully about the issue presented in the following excerpt and the assignment below:
Two-thirds of Americans say they are hopeful about the future.
两次经历中间,分水岭一样的“I learned from this experience, and promised myself I would not try to imitate another actress, in order to create my character.”使得文章脉络清楚,让人喜欢。
My secretary has left my one and only manuscript in the taxi, so I’ll have to write the book all over again. It’s back to square one. 秘书把我罕有的的一份手稿丢在出租车上了,我只好重写这本书,一切从头开始。
2.A number one 第一流的,头等的
英国伦敦有家以经营海上保险著称的保险业机构叫劳埃德保险社(Lloyd’s),每年出版《劳氏船舶年鉴》(Lloyd’s Register),对注册的商船均在年鉴中载明其吨位、等级等,船体质量之高低以字母顺序标明,而设备之优劣则以数字表示。凡被列为甲级一等的船只均以A1标之。1837年,英国作家狄更斯(Charles Dickens, 1812~1870)首先将A1用于任何人和物,表示“第一流的,头等的”。A1亦作A number one或A one,现一般用于口语中。
3分作文: Sometimes, things that are not successful still have some value. For example, the Columbia space shuttle was not successful but was valuable. The Columbia disaster it was really sad that the Columbia blew up and the astronauts died. I saw it on my TV and cried. They found pieces for days and days all over Texas. But it was valuable like that Challenger that blew up a long time ago because it makes us want to get it right. We want to fix it so it doesn't happen again and so regular people can go to space like that kid from N*Synch tried to do. And so we will keep going to space and getting satellites for satellite TV and spying and stuff. And so NASA and the President are going to go to Mars next. Something not successful can still have value because we will go to space even if theColumbia disaster happened. 【点评】 这是一篇让人哭笑不得的跑题作文,能拿3分也足以说明SAT作文给分还是很宽松的。
(C)were swimming so slowly; so her coaches thought something has been
Pop singer Jewel has a critically acclaimed voice and songwriting skills. She's won awards for her songs and succeeded in the music business. Yet she didn't achieve fame and fortune simply with her talent. Insstead, she struggled and worked incredibly hard for many years before she ever found success. In fact, at one point she was living in her car because she didn't have enough money to support herself, but she never gave up or stopped believing in her dream to play guitar and sing. Jewel's strong motivation and drive finally paid off when she was "discovered" by a music producer and her recorded albums showed off her talent and sold well to the general public, making her a successful expert in her field.
例:In the sequence above, the first term is 5 and the second term is a. Each term after the second is the product of the two immediately preceding terms. If a<0,what is the 10th term of the sequence?
(B)and they should omit needless words
The \"Three-Self\" Patriotic Christian Movement unfolded throughout the country, described by Wu Yaozong as a rebirth of Chinese Christianity
例:After years of research on the dogs and wolves, scientists are confident that their resemblance is very obvious.