中文的作文喜欢以“理”服人,但西方的惯例是让事实说话,所谓的Facts are more eloquent than lips(事实胜于雄辩)。
It was that year that my mind opened and I began to truly become educated. Rather than trying to fill my head with disconnected facts and other people's ideas, I now collect knowledge that I can use to form or change my opinions. And I plan to continue this my whole life, facing new situations with an educated, open mind.
例:If P, R, and T are digits in the positive three-digit integer PRT, what is the decimal equivalent of PRT×10-2?
Maximum swivel of table is l20.
Eg. 3rd March l991或3 March l991;
a discount of 5 percent(5%的折扣);
purchased 7 yards of carpet(买7码地毯);
ordered 2 pounds of minced steak(订购2磅肉馅)
(E)Often using unorthodox methods, the Internet startup quickly made its
(C)rest on reporting that is honest, treatment of news sources that is respectful, and stories that are balanced
4. D
C为正确答案,三个名词完美平行(即creation, establishment和purchase),并且在名词后分别有个of接宾语,平行的三个部分都是采用了A of B的结构。
如:Mary is at once pretty and smart. (Mary既漂亮又聪明)
3有关保护英语怎么说的例句2:So, what can women do to protect themselves from heart disease?那么,女性怎样做才能使自己不得心脏病呢?Many manufacturers have policies to protect themselves against blackmailers.许多厂家都购买了保险,以防遭到敲诈。A long thin wool coat and a purple headscarf protected her against the wind一件薄薄的羊毛长外套和一条紫色的头巾为她挡了风。The government is committed to protecting the interests of tenants.政府承诺保护租户们的利益。The regulations are made to protect women\'s and children\'s rights and interests.制定这个规定是为了保护妇女儿童的权益。Britain\'s concern to protect national sovereignty is far from new.英国对捍卫国家主权的关切早已不是什么新鲜事了。We had to take action to protect the proprietary technology.我们必须采取措施保护专利技术。You must wear goggles and a mask that will protect you against the fumes为了免受烟雾危害,你必须戴上护目镜和面罩。
4. A bag contains only two types of coins. The total value of the 30 coins in the bag is $6. Of the 30 coins, x coins are worth $0.10 each and y coins are worth $0.25 each. If there are no other coins in the bag, which of the following systems of equations can be solved to find the number of each type of coin in the bag?
C、D不符合decide to do something的固定表达,所以首先排除。注意,decide on something是“就某事达成一致意见”的意思。
(E)Michael Phelps will not only winseven gold swimming medals, but he will claim many world records also