by car/bus/train乘坐小汽车/公共汽车/火车
【例】After becoming independent of the local authority and adopting its new title, our College continued to build onits first class reputation. 自从我们学院脱离当地部门并改了新名之后,就一直致力于打造成一所一流院校。
2.have no bearing on something ?与某事没关联
Bat echolocation is a perceptual system where ultrasonic sounds are emitted specifically to produce echoes.
【例】Their five-year-old son is able to use the calendar to count how many days until his birthday.他们五岁的儿子能用日历数出离他的生日还有多少天。
Columbus proved that the earth is round.
【例】I have a good retirement allowance that will make it easy for me to buy a nice house. 我有一笔丰厚的退休金,可以让我轻而易举地买一栋漂亮的房子。
【例】Their villages were little more than
Bat echolocation is a perceptual system where ultrasonic sounds are emitted specifically to produce echoes.
【例】The food at the hostel was awful. 这家饭店的食物很糟糕。
那好,我们再来看个例子,deny这个词,很多人都知道是否认,拒绝的意思,大家甚至于列出一大堆同义词来,比如,refuse, decline, reject 等, 这是个好现象,但是很多学生当碰到 “In the old times, a lot of girls were denied the right of education。”
spir 呼吸aspiration(n. 强烈的愿望;志向)
【例】He picks up the broom and bangs on the ceiling. 他拿起扫把,猛击天花板。
【例】All those older buildings in the city have been adapted for present-day use. 城里的旧建筑已经全部经过改造,以方便现在使用。
[dmini'strein]n. 管理(部门);行政(机关)