1、专业的教师团队,掌握前沿的教学方法 2、教学经验丰富,善于激发学生的潜能 3、善于带动学员融入情景体验式课堂
compare to 比喻为,把…比作;with compare 无与伦比
inaccessible [nksesbl] a. 难达到的,不可及的(unreachable);不能得到的
He ought to know what to do, oughtn\'t he? / shouldn\'t he?
5) 陈述部分有have to +v. (had to + v.),疑问部分常用don\'t +主语(didn\'t +主语)。
14. The books are not allowed to be taken out of the room. 这些书不准携出室外。
【例】A: I hear you're really happy with your new car. I bet it's a lot better than the last one you got stuck with, the one you bought from Cathy.
excavation [ekskven] n. 挖掘
Bottom line: We have to turn into profit by 2002. 重要的是:我们必须在年前转亏为盈大家看过财务报表没?上面是一大堆密密麻麻的数字,告诉你公司的资产有多少,折旧多少,应收帐款多少 。但是这些都不是重要的,重要的在下面那一行(bottom line),叫净赚(Net earnings)告诉你 这家公司总共加起来到底是赚钱还是赔钱,(这其实才是重要的,不是吗?)所以bottom line这个字后来 就变成了有“重要的是…”的意思。例如,商场上有句名言,\"In business, If you don’t take care of your customers, somebody else will. And that is the bottom line.\"(如果你不关心你的顾客的话 ,其他的人会,这是重要的原则。)另外bottom line也有“后的底限”,“不能再退让的原则”的意思 。例如,老板可以告诫员工,\"Bottom line: We have to ship this order by Friday.\"(我后的底限是 ,我们必须在星期五前运交这批货。)
【搭】modern poetry 现代诗
The city is full of magnificent scenery everywhere
【例】There weren't many leftovers from yesterday. 昨天没有剩下多少菜。
【例】The Sun is far less radiant today than the primal Sun. 如今的太阳远远没有最初的太阳那么亮。
【搭】the Renaissance(欧洲14世纪至16世纪的)文艺复兴
给您机票,登机口号在机票底部写着。Here are your tickets. The gate number is on the bottom of the ticket。
score [skr] n. 得分,分数(mark);乐谱(*musical composition)v. 评分(grade)