As the cream of the columbia freshman crop
【例】It's late; I gotta swayze. [University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI] sweat (v)
Consumer and parent groups believe financial education has always been one of the most frustrating omissions of the curriculum.
8. Here you are!
The writer of the post said young people can hardly get rich by working steadily,while some people turn themselves into millionaires by speculating on real estateor in the stock market.
(5)班级活动:各组派代表在班上介绍一种濒危动物。师生共同评价,把有关课件放入学校的校园网。评价工具如下:We found a right picture of the endangered animals. 5 4 3 2 1
297. You mustn't aim too high 你不可好高骛远。
Just last week I received an invitation, via email, to plug a product which wouldheat my swimming pool, if I had one, which I do not.
(5)班级活动:各组派代表在班上介绍一种濒危动物。师生共同评价,把有关课件放入学校的校园网。评价工具如下:We found a right picture of the endangered animals. 5 4 3 2 1
26.Did you manage all right?
A: Why?B: Because I see you.
classification n. the act or result of classifying; a category or class 分类;类别