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最后更新:2025-02-09 14:07:24        浏览次数:772        返回列表





Could you lend me your bike?

2. The Economist、The Guardian、Focus Magazine、Scientific American这几本杂志/期刊均列居第二,出现次数均为两到三次;


Chinese is my mother tongue.

I am proficient in English.

I am professional in English.

I can speak fluent English.

fluency n. 流利

How many languages do you speak?


I can speak in three languages.

I’m a trilingual.

I’m a bilingual.

Canada is a bilingual country.

I can read and write in three languages.


How well do you know Chinese?


How well do you know English?

How long ... 多久

How many ... 多少

How well ... 程度如何

She speaks mandarin with a strong accent.


accent 口音

She is speaking English with a strong Japanese accent.

dialect 方言

local vernacular

Do you speak the local vernacular?

We must master the local vernacular.

mandarin Chinese 普通话

mandarin fish 鳜鱼 mandarin bird 鸳鸯

Cantonese 广东话 Hokkien 闽南话 Hakka 客家话

character 汉字 alphabetic 字母的

Pinyin plan 汉语拼音方案

Chinese phonetic alphabet

letter 字母 word 单词 phrase 词组

sentence 句子 paragraph 段落 text 正文

Everyone makes mistakes when they are learning to speak.


Speak it out. Don‘t be afraid to lose face.

As for me, reciting is essential to mastering a foreign language.

答案 69.D 70.C 71.B 72.C

brian: but i like arguments! i\'ll get the cokes and we can argue about pepsi all day!

When we see something beautiful such as a flower garden, that garden serves as a reflection. In order to see the beauty in front of us, we must be able to see the beauty inside of ourselves. When we love someone, it’s a reflection of loving ourselves. When we love someone, it’s a reflection of loving ourselves. We have often heard things like “I love how I am when I’m with that person.” That simply translates into “I’m able to love me when I love that other person.” Oftentimes, when we meet someone new, we feel as though we “click”. Sometimes it’s as if we’ve known each other for a long time. That feeling can come from sharing similarities.


['kwai]vt. 取得,获得

to begin with ad. 1.首先,第一;起先,原先


【例】This room is used mainly for badminton and aerobics. 这间屋子主要用作羽毛球室,也可以在这里跳健美操。


I feel that not enough is being done to protect the local animal life我觉得对当地野生动物的保护力度不够。The law, your contracts, your public protect you, do they? How?法律、合约和公众会保护你。真的会吗?怎么保护?He swore an oath promising to uphold and protect the country\'s laws and constitution.他宣誓捍卫国家的法律与宪法。Laws protect the enjoyment of their rights.法律保障他们享受自己的权利。His manifesto promised measures to protect them.他在宣言里确保要为他们采取保护措施。The first duty of any government must be to protect the interests of the taxpayers任何政府的首要职责都必须是保护纳税人的利益。There were shrieks of embarrassment as the girls struggled to protect their modesty.竭力保持着端庄形象的女孩们发出了尴尬的尖叫。

【例】I'm going to talk about ways of making sure that you eat well while at the same time staying within your budget. 我将会谈到一些方法,让你在不超过预算的前提下吃好。

【例】The textile collection of the Museum is the largest in the world. 这家博物馆收藏的纺织品是全世界最多的。


【例】Numerous fund-raising activities are combined to fill the coffers of the "war chest". 很多集资活动一起为筹集“战争专款”添砖加瓦。






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