【例】The citizens demanded anoverhaul of the corrupt government. 公民要求全面治理腐败的政府。
B: I want to clip a couple of articles first.
【搭】synthetic product 合成产品
【搭】suspension bridge 吊桥
A: What's keeping Kevin? He said last night he'd meet us here by 2 o'clock and it's already 2:30.
draw [dr] vt. 吸引(attract, entice)
legislative [ledsletv] n. 立法机关 a. 立法的;立法机关的
【例】The change in volume may cause the lungs to distend and even rupture. 容量的变化可能会导致肺肿胀甚至破裂。
【派】stability(n. 稳定性);stabilize(vt. 使稳定);unstable(a. 不稳定的)
awesome [sm] a. 使人敬畏的;使人惊惧的
【搭】a dominant power in the world 世界头号强国;dominant position 支配地位;dominant philosophy 主流哲学;dominant theme 主题,主旨;dominant in sth. 主宰…
【例】The teacher made an analogy between the lens of a camera and the lens of an eye. 老师把相机的镜头类比为眼球的晶体。
【例】Some hunters continued the old pastoral and nomadic ways. 一些猎户继续过着牧人游牧似的古老生活。
proceed [prosid] vi. 进行(progress);发生(occur)
tures a little farther north. 黑脉金斑蝶一年产下四批后代,每一代都朝着北方挺进一段距离。