exploration [eksplren] n. 勘探,探测;探索
cardiac [krdik] a. 心脏的(of or relating to the heart);心脏病的
纠纷 v. 争论(debate)
sapphire [sfar] n. 蓝宝石
Cricket reminds the English of this idyllic rural scene and leisurely pace of life .
It feels strange to be visiting the place again after all these years.
【例】The works written by the female poet are all unadorned and simple. 这位女诗人的作品朴实简练。
一般将来时 will / shall be + done
【参】ax(n. 斧头)
【例】Ronald has to renew his passport because it is expired. 罗纳德的护照过期了,他不得不去续签。
靠走廊的座位卖完了,您想要靠窗的还是中间的座位? We do not have any aisle seats remaining. Is a window seat ok with you or would you prefer a middle seat?
We have to get there at eight tomorrow, don\'t we?
6) 陈述部分的谓语是used to 时,疑问部分用didn\'t +主语或 usedn\'t +主语。
来自玩扑克牌游戏的词汇是:The cards are stacked against you。The cards are stacked against you。这句话是说,你很不利的情况下,的机会很少。下面的例子是说人受了骗:
例句-3: \"Last night I got into a poker game with these men I met in the hotel bar. And I lost a thousand dollars before I realized the cards were stacked against me. All I could do was pick up the money I had left and walk away.\"
manufacture [mnjufktr] v. / n. (大量)制造,加工(produce, process);[pl.]制造品,产品(product)
lower [loor] vt. 降低(reduce) a. 较低的;下级的,下等的(inferior)