火热的夏季,生机勃勃的季节,骄阳似火,心情有时也那么阳光,但你是否会偶尔热到感觉慵懒和疲惫呢?火热的太阳烤的你快蒸发了?那就用音乐来清凉一夏吧 ... [查看详细]
In fact, hot-headed stock investors make better decisions, a study in the Academyof Management Journal showed.
Hello! This is Mary. Is that Jack speaking?
【例】They would not be able to afford cars or homes. 他们买不起汽车和房子。
[blk]vt. 阻碍;堵塞;n. 大块;街区
【例】Please inform us of your trade terms and forward samples and a product brochure. 请告知贵方的贸易条件,并寄来货样及产品小册子。
[kp]n. 帽子;v. 盖在…上面
【例】On the wall is the banner welcoming the Friends of Italian Opera. 墙上挂着
Are you smoking a lot? 你抽烟凶吗?
I\'m a chain smoker. 我是个老烟鬼。
You smoke just like a chimney. 你的烟瘾真大。
I\'m used to smoking with a cigarrette holder. 我习惯用烟嘴抽烟。
【例】Each programme was assigned at random a division that had been historically high in productivity and a division that had been below average in productivity. 每个项目被随机分配给一个生产效率历来很高的部门和一个生产效率低于平均水平的部门。
【例】The granite was blasted into boulders no bigger than two metres in diameter. 花岗岩被炸成直径不超过两米的大石头。
【例】A brass knocker was fixed on the door. 门上装了一个黄铜制成的门环。
brian: islands are surrounded by sea water fool! you can\'t drink salt water.