正是在这个梦想支持下,她度过了生命中最艰难的时刻,最后被一个音乐制作人慧眼识珠,出版了她的唱片从而获得了成功。这个例子证明Jewel有talent(a critically acclaimed voice and songwriting skills),但更重要的是她有motivation,所以她才获得了成功。
1. The most important days of our lives are those in which we learn something new about ourselves. Jesse Pharios
(A)the creation of an independent treasury, establishing lower tariffs, and purchasing
dario: the best thing would be to quit smoking all together!
brian: yeah i know, but i am too weak!
dario: but not too weak to remember to read thexianzai english newsletters every week!
Of course the history books are full of great men and women who are long gone, and no doubt we can all find our personal heroes from their pages. But the dead cannot defend their reputations and so every biography and every film chips away at their greatness. Alexander the Great will never seem so great once we have seen the film.
\"Snakes shed their skin because they need to renew themselves,\" I explained
People or groups may state what they wish were true or what they think others want to hear, but it is their actions that reveal their true values.
to pick out
to take one’s time
to talk over
to lie down
to stand up
to sit down
all day long
by oneself
on purpose
to get along
to make no difference
to take out
1.to pick out : (to choose, select)
【说明:】to pick out (挑选,拣选)多指购物时的挑选而言。out 用作副词,形容及物动词pick.
(1) I want to pick out some new ties to give as Christmas s to my friends.
(A)is no different for girls than boys
One or two, in blue suits, might have been bank officials. Others were clearly working men.
1. B