And yes, there are some chumps in suits earning many times more thanbrain surgeons in the City.
第三段,作者举她的妹妹为例。妹妹自幼具有舞蹈天分,所以家里人把她送到舞蹈学校进行专业训练,但是妹妹缺少动力(My sister, however, didn't care about dancing, so she never practiced or put any effort into her class),所以最终家里人也放弃了梦想。作者在最后提到,妹妹虽然天分很好,但缺少动力,因而这样的天分没有被好好利用,所以没有在舞蹈上取得成功。
1. 如果你无法“深刻”,那么你可以“流畅”。
第一节 比较语法知识
Just as there are exercises to help you warm up before you play some basketball or other sport, there are exercises which can help you warm up to study English. Here are some simple exercises to help you warm up.
E的问题是so前面不应该有分号。同时,第一个so的后面没有that,破坏了“so… that”的结构。另外,it没有指代对象。
3. hoping I could mimic her performance,分词形式的动宾结构,放在句尾表补充说明;
6. Zelda, Barry, and Gary have a total of 78 DVDs. Zelda has 10 less than DVDs than Barry has, and Gary has twice as many DVDs as Zelda has. How many DVDs does Gary have?
Pop singer Jewel has a critically acclaimed voice and songwriting skills. She's won awards for her songs and succeeded in the music business. Yet she didn't achieve fame and fortune simply with her talent. Insstead, she struggled and worked incredibly hard for many years before she ever found success. In fact, at one point she was living in her car because she didn't have enough money to support herself, but she never gave up or stopped believing in her dream to play guitar and sing. Jewel's strong motivation and drive finally paid off when she was "discovered" by a music producer and her recorded albums showed off her talent and sold well to the general public, making her a successful expert in her field.
(C)speeds that are high
一般过去时:I worked here. I didn’t work here. Did you work here? Yes, I did. No, I didnt.按照肯、否、问、答这个记忆系统学习八个时态,在学生的头脑中形成彼此相联系的八个记忆组块。由于它是直线序列,讲到现在时,马上就能联想到过去时,进而联想到将来时。八种时态的基本公式记住后,每个学期都要安排一节课集中讲别的语法内容,扫除会话和阅读的障碍。在九年义务教育初中英语实验教材中,我们根据中国学生学习的特点,安排了相对集中提前略讲语法的内容,并将语法结构明线化。通过语法明示,学生不再“雾中看花”,“水中望月”,大大提高了学习效率。
作文的正文部分(Body Paragraph)是整个文章的核心段落。