1、专业的教师团队,掌握前沿的教学方法 2、教学经验丰富,善于激发学生的潜能 3、善于带动学员融入情景体验式课堂
【例】We'll explore through lecture and discussion what prominent political thinkers had to say about the topic. 我们将通过讲课和讨论的方式来探究著名政治思想家对这个话题的看法。
The two principal combustion products are water vapor and carbon dioxide.
incessantly [nsesntli] ad. 不断地(continually)
【派】infestation(n. 滋生,出没)
as for sb.
as to sth.
master v.
master a foreign language
master n. 主人
You are my master now.
be essential to sth.
As for me, dictation is essential to mastering English listening comprehension.
【例】The field of "sanitary science" is concerned with waste removal, water purification and so on. 卫生科学领域研究废物处理、水净化等问题。
She doesn’t know anyone here. She has got no one to talk to.她里人也不认识;她人谈话。
[kntent] n. [常pl.]内容(matter),容量(capacity)
a book that you want to read again (Longman p.58),an important composition, example: essay, poem, letter (TOFEL ibt 08.05.17),a TV program that you really like to watch (Longman p.54),a type of music you like most (Longman p.56)等等,需要考生在考前花大量的时间去整理思路,只有做到有备无患,在能在考场上胸有成竹,口若悬河。
【例】The lighthouses in the Northeast are fastened to the surrounding rock. 东北的灯塔都固定在周围的岩石上。
《高等教育纪事报》The Chronicle of Higher Education
It is said that… 据说
Although a sad autumn wind off the hao teacher, but god closed a window, will open another window, a rain brought again amiable honorable miss gao. Is really \"the rainbow after the rain!\"
infest [nfest] vt. 骚扰;大批滋生