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  • 更新日期:2025-03-01 11:01
  • 有效期至:长期有效
  • 网校区域:浙江绍兴市
  • 浏览次数181
  • 客服顾问李老师
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【例】Compared to lunar space suits, Martian space suits will require smaller air tanks; and to allow for freer movement; the elbow and knee areas of the space suits will also be altered. 与登月太空服相比,火星太空服所需的气罐更小,穿着活动更加自由,其肘部和膝部也将有所改变。

loot (n)


【例】Yo man, I ain\'t got no loot; hook me up. [Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA, 1998; Clark Atlanta University, Atlanta, GA; University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA]

School begins, I heard that you want to change the teacher, we are looking forward to, say what you want to change a good teacher. It doesn\'t, the teacher is coming!We hurriedly squarely seated, to meet the arrival of the new teacher. \"Coming!\" Some people say that. We immediately applauses, new teacher also triumphantly walked in. According to huang said the teacher, the teacher surnamed liu, is a good teacher, she teaches what the students are admitted to no.6 middle school ah, nine medium key middle school, and is free! We listened to, very envious of bai liu teach brothers and sisters.Liu self-introduction let us admire the five body cast body. Say she is a very strict teacher, every school no one don\'t know her or something. I thought, \"the teacher, must be a good teacher! I must be more to study hard, work hard, let liu likes me!\" After the teacher, but also a lot of rules, a closer look! There are a lot of people in our class has the problem, including me. I am thankful for the liu set the rules, so that we get rid of this problem.Liu is very good to us, some people know when they are.Liu earnestly to teach us, someone is whispering in the following; Liu to write good words, sentences, earnestly someone but don\'t write, passing notes below; Liu thoughtfully read, some people in the following \"dig gold\"; Liu, tireless help us each work, is good to people know is wrong, but turn a blind eye. Do you know? This is a very nice and responsible teacher, if you don\'t cherish, it must be regret.Although liu is strict to us, but I know that the teacher is good for us. The teacher why? Because she wanted to but we get rid of bad habits and get in free! In liu, I think is the best teacher in the grade.Liu if we were her own child, why don\'t we let liu like mother think? I think, in addition to own a good mother, the second best mother is a teacher. I love my mother, also, I also love my teacher liu! The teacher is the gardener, we are out, the flowers in bud; The teacher is a big tree, the skeletons of green grass; we are under the big tree Teacher is the wide sky, we, is lying in the pieces of white clouds in the sky!!

2. He got dismissed. 他被开除了。


【派】opposing(a. 相反的,对立的);opposition(n. 反对,敌对);oppose(v. 反对)

《笨拙》 (Punch):http://www.punch.co.uk (不错的漫画类杂志)


fade [fed] v. 褪色;凋谢(wither);消失(*disappear from, vanish)


【例】We'll explore through lecture and discussion what prominent political thinkers had to say about the topic. 我们将通过讲课和讨论的方式来探究著名政治思想家对这个话题的看法。

  Could I meet my other colleagues?

  Is there anybody could help me with the copier?

  Be sure to clock in and out before and after you work.

  You are very kind to help me out.

  Who is in charge of marketing apartment?

  If there is anything I can help with, just let me know.

  Johnson:Good morning, Mr. Clark. I\'m the new softw areengineer.


Some people believe that students who want to go to university after graduation from high school should have about one year's time to get a job to obtain work experience or have a travel to enlarge their vision.


His doctrine contained nothing novel .


A major addition to the earlier revisions of the questionnaire is the job requirement exercise.

【例】She's not upset about the spill. 溢出的东西并没有令她不安。



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