be suspended from office
leave office
Rogers was slated to go in the summer, tentatively to be replaced by Kenneth Rush
exploration [eksplren] n. 勘探,探测;探索
【记】来自affect(v. 影响,感染)
较难的题可以出成:Describe a time when you needed help from others, how he or she helped you and what was the result?
Another virtue Americans respect is perseverance. Remember Aesop\'s fable about the turtle and the rabbit that had a race? The rabbit thought he could win easily, so he took a nap. But the turtle finally won because he did not give up. Another story tells of a little train that had to climb a steep hill. The hill was so steep that the little train had a hard time trying to get over it. But the train just kept pulling, all the while saying, \"I think I can, I think I can.\" At last, the train was over the top of the hill. \"I thought I could, I thought I could,\" chugged the happy little train.
The window was blown by wind. 窗户被风吹开了。
cry/ask/wish for the moon 想做办不到的事情, 想要得不到的东西
marked [mrkt] a. 显著的(*noticeable, pronounced)
dairy [deri] n. 牛奶场;奶制品
vanish [vn] vi. 消失(disappear, fade),灭绝(die out)
这道题属于物品题,物品的题目也是一个常考点,但是准备的面比较广,可能会出成:a type of pet (Longman p.52),a kind of game (Longman p.72),your important gift (Longman p.64),咱们可以从两个角度去答题:对物品本身的简单描述 + 物品的来源或是重要意义,如描述宠物可以说: ‘ coz he keeps me company, when I was sad, he was always by my side.’
n. 穷人分解为paper+u,paper是 纸 ,u借用汉语读音 有 ,联想一个情景:富人有的是钱,但穷人光有纸没有钱,所以光有纸的人就是穷人