【搭】count on 算上;lose count (of) 数不清;不知道
n. 好福气,天福谐音 不理事 ,联想一个情景:一个人什么事情都不要做,什么事情都不要打理,别人什么事情都给他做得好好的,这个人真是天生的好福气
rupture [rptr] v. (使)破裂(*burst)
【例】The fireplace had pivoting metal rods to hang pots. 壁炉有绕轴旋转的金属棒来悬挂锅。
jelly [del] n. 果冻
commute [kmjut] v. 坐公交车上下班
讲到 idiot-proof 字很有意思, 在美语中大家常常可以听到字后面再加上 proof 来表示「」的意思, 例如手表上面都会写 water-proof, 指水跑不进来, 也防水的意思. 不过我个人的经验, 人会把字的意思理解成正好相反, 例如有一次有人问我, 为报纸的标题写如何充满危机的婚姻? 结果我拿来一看, 原来报上写的是, \"How to get a crisis-proof marriage.\" 其实它的意思应该是, 「如何危机的婚姻」 才对. idiot-proof 指的是白痴的, 而有白痴的, 大家不要搞反了.
【例】A creative architect can find ways to incorporate natural landscape into the overall design. 富有创意的建筑师可以找到把自然景观融合进整体设计的办法。//In the experiment, the overall growth of algae and the number of species dropped. 在实验中,藻类的整体生长和物种的数量都降低了。
【例】I'm counting on you to make notes from the history lecture. 我正指望着你记历史课的笔记呢。
14 .This coat is suitable for men and women of all ages in all seasons.
diplomatic [dplmtk] a. 外交的,从事外交的;策略的(tactful),有手腕的
【例】If you can see the movie on television, why pay for it? 假如你能在电视上看电影,那为什么还要掏钱看呢?
friend, `living in a poor room like this.
\"Oh no.\" said the student, \"I am busy with my
studies and I\'m not interested in my room.
\"But you only cat plain rice - you don\'t have money for
anything tasty \"
\"Yes, it\'s true, I eat only plain rice. But the
delicious smells that come from the kitchen make thc rice very tasty indeed.
【例】The balloon's inflated with helium unlike the original, which was filled with hydrogen and unbeknown to the pilot, potentially explosive. 充满氦气的气球与原本充满氢气的气球不同,飞
【例】The transition to settled life also had a profound impact on the family. 向稳定生活的转变对这个家庭也有着深远的影响。
My fingers are all thumbs.
[字面意思] 我的指头都成了大拇指了。
[解释] 紧张或劳累过度,手指头发僵,不听使唤。昨天打字,工作到晚上12点,今早感觉手指麻木,现在I can\'t operate the keyboard properly; my fingers are all thumbs.
incessantly [nsesntli] ad. 不断地(continually)