It was zero hour and the doctor began the operation on the man. 关键时候到了,医生开始为那人做手术。
美国历史虽然不是很长很复杂,但美国20世纪60年代,作为一个特殊的动荡的年代,各种思想浪潮此起彼伏。大家可能都熟悉的马丁路德金博士的“I have a dream”。他领导了黑人要求平等权利的民权运动并为此献身。
You can count on it.你尽管相信好了,尽管放心。
A:Do you think he will come to my birthday party? B: You can count on it.
3有关保护英语怎么说的例句2:So, what can women do to protect themselves from heart disease?那么,女性怎样做才能使自己不得心脏病呢?Many manufacturers have policies to protect themselves against blackmailers.许多厂家都购买了保险,以防遭到敲诈。A long thin wool coat and a purple headscarf protected her against the wind一件薄薄的羊毛长外套和一条紫色的头巾为她挡了风。The government is committed to protecting the interests of tenants.政府承诺保护租户们的利益。The regulations are made to protect women\'s and children\'s rights and interests.制定这个规定是为了保护妇女儿童的权益。Britain\'s concern to protect national sovereignty is far from new.英国对捍卫国家主权的关切早已不是什么新鲜事了。We had to take action to protect the proprietary technology.我们必须采取措施保护专利技术。You must wear goggles and a mask that will protect you against the fumes为了免受烟雾危害,你必须戴上护目镜和面罩。
It is not his fault. He did it for your benefit.
All the donations are for the benefit of the disabled children.
for fear of 以免,以防
Put on a coat for fdar of catching a cold.
The weather in London is so changable that people always bring their umbrella with them for fear of rain.
2. It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it.
First, online-learning is a flexible way. The traditional way of study is to sit on the classroom, but now, people can sit at home, or sit at the coffee shop, they can have access to the knowledge. It is convenient and efficient, people can learn if they want, there is no need to worry about the location.
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Lesson 33
Text A
We Are Not Deaf !
Jane and Lise have had lunch with Uncle David and Aunt
Janet. The two old people are deaf , and the girls are tired because they have
8.capture one’s attention替换attract one’s attention.
Many a student is…
Hope and optimism have defined my political career, and I continue to be hopefuland optimistic about Canada.