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  • 更新日期:2024-12-04 06:03
  • 有效期至:长期有效
  • 网校区域:山东潍坊市
  • 浏览次数101
  • 客服顾问李老师
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['klrti]n. 清楚

ommy (bomby) (adj)


['knsl]v. 取消;抵消;删去


【例】Snow and rain alternated, and it wasvery cold outside. 外面雨雪交加,非常寒冷。


Our class is a bad class in our school. But when Mr. Johnson came,everything changed. He looks kind and special. Before he came, we thought classes were boring. And no one listened to the teachers carefully. But Mr. Johnson has made us the best class only half a year later. He is fond of talking with us equally and never forces us to study. He develops our interests in studying. Besides, he tells us how to be a man first, then to be a good student. He respects our feelings, so we all trust him and feel glad to follow what he says.

Our school is here, and theirs is there.(作主语)




['kemikl]a. 化学的;n. 化学制品


[k'lekn]n. 收集,积聚;收藏(品)

B; so, 1,2 and 3 are prime numbers, but 4 isn’t because 2*2=4.

A: exactly. Anything else?

B; how many seconds in an hour? 60 seconds multiplied by 60 minutes equals 3600 seconds altogether.

A: you’ll be a mathematician one day.

A: which sports are popular in your country?

B: most people like football. More boys like football than girls. A few girls play it really well. Some people like playing basketball.

A: do many people like tennis?

B: more and more people like it now. fewer people play table tennis than before. Many people like swimming, because it is fun and keeps you fit.

A: in my country, many people enjoy golf, but it is too expensive for some people. A few people like extreme sports, but I think the vast majority of people are afraid to try them.

B: extreme sports are only for a small minority of people. Several people from my university enjoy them, but most of us just watch. No one I know plays golf.

A: I know loads of people who play it regularly. There are plenty of golf courses around the country. In the past, only a tiny number of people played.

B: a great deal of people follow rugby in my country.

A: there are plenty of rugby fans in my country too.

A: what do we need to get from the supermarket?

B: we need lots of things. I’ll make a list. We need a bag of sugar, a loaf of bread and a crate of beer.

A: a crate of beer? Why do we need that?

B: just joking. I would like to get a few bottles of beer though. We also need a liter of cooking oil.

A: we can buy a three-liter bottle. It works out cheaper per liter. We should buy a packet of butter and a few pints of milk too.

B: I’d like to get a jar of strawberry jam and a bottle of tomato ketchup. Do we need any meat?

cert 搞清certificate(n. 证书,执照)





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