1、专业的教师团队,掌握前沿的教学方法 2、教学经验丰富,善于激发学生的潜能 3、善于带动学员融入情景体验式课堂
【例】We are fortunate that he's consented to share some of his experiences with us. 我们很幸运,他已经同意与我们分享他的一些经历了。
jog [d] vi.慢跑
Two main glacial epochs affected both areas during the last million years of Precambrian times.
define [dfan] v. 定义;解释(explain)
dark of the moon 月黑时
full of the moon 月圆; 满月时
(make) believe/think that the moon is made of green cheese
(要人)相信最荒唐的事; 愚蠢到极点, 愚弄人
I thought thousands of people would be helped. 我认为将有数千人得到帮助。
还有字 fool-proof 很有趣, 在日常生活中也常听到, 值得大家学一学. 字指连傻瓜也会用的, 像傻瓜相机翻成英文 fool-proof camera. idiot-proof 字极有是从 fool-proof 衍生, 也许是当时说话者强调语气, 而刻意把 fool (傻瓜) 改成了 idiot (白痴).
8. You are not captain material.
中文里常听人家说, \"你念书的料\", 没想到的用法在英文里也同样, 老美用的是, \"not ... material\" 的句型. 像是这部电影里, 女主角的男友就劝她, \"You are a good cheerleader, but not captain material.\" (你是个的啦啦队员, 但却当队长的料.) 没想到后来给她逮到机会, 反而反咬他一句, \"You are a good cheerleader, but not boyfriend material.\" (你是个的啦啦队员, 但却当男朋友的料.)
【例】Did you see the deep imprint of the big toe? 你看到大脚趾所留下的深深的印痕了吗?
Expressing Indifference
Salesgirl:Would you like to see our new shirts?
Steve:Sorry, I’m not really that interested in those things.
【例】The filling was a soft layer of wool which had been cleaned and separated. 填充物是已经清洗并分拣好了的柔软的羊毛。
【派】commuter(n. 经常往返者;通勤者)
Will you slow down? I can‘t follow you.
Will you speed up?
Will you speak up?
Will you speak down?
What do you mean by ?Chinese characteristics
您说?Chinese characteristics?是意思?
character 汉字、性格
characteristics 性格特征
We are going to build socialism with Chinese
【例】Evening wear isn't available in those shops. 这些商店不卖晚装。//I'll be available on Tuesday and Friday afternoons to discuss your papers with you. 我周四和周五下午有空和你讨论你的论文。
例句-4: \"I really wanted to try out for the basketball team when I was in college. But the cards were stacked against me: I\'m only five feet six inches tall and everybody else was six-two or even taller.\"
【搭】engage in 从事于…
sticky [stki] a. 黏的,有黏性的
shrink [raltk] vi. 收缩,缩小(dwindle)