【参】grow(v. 生长,成长)
corrosive [krosv] a. 腐蚀(性)的(tending or having the power to corrode)
【例】Within this colony, there is little aggression among ants from different nests. 在这个蚁群当中,来自不同蚁巢的蚂蚁之间很少有攻击行为。
【例】I went rolling out behind the old abandoned high school last night. [Southwestern University, Georgetown, TX, 1999]
2. To leave; to go.
authority [θrti] n. 权威人士;权力(power);当局
1. chum n.密友
2. irresistible a.不可抵抗的
3. overpriced a. 昂贵的
4. establishment n.的机构
5. beet n. 甜菜
6. buck n.美元
7. pop n.一份
8. Chilean a.智利的
9. bass n. 鲈鱼
10. scratch n.草稿
11. sassy a.漂亮的;时髦的
12. elegant a.优雅的;端庄的;高雅的
13. divine a.神圣的;非凡的
14. kid vt.哄骗;嘲弄
Dolly: OK, everybody, I want you all to meet an old 1)chum of mine. He’s 2)irresistible.
For those who are conditioned to think that learning only happens in a classroom, the world of self-learning can be a little daunting. How do we best take advantage these new opportunities.
【例】Your professor has asked me to talk to you today about the topic that should be of real concern to civil engineers: the erosion of the US beaches. 你的教授让我今天和你谈谈土木工程师真正应该关心的问题:美国海岸遇到的侵蚀。
sloth [sloθ] n. 树懒
【参】devise(vt. 设计)
【例】Earth Day has become an annual international event. 地球日已经成为了年度国际活动。