1、专业的教师团队,掌握前沿的教学方法 2、教学经验丰富,善于激发学生的潜能 3、善于带动学员融入情景体验式课堂
(C)The more high altitudes run
It was that year that my mind opened and I began to truly become educated. Rather than trying to fill my head with disconnected facts and other people's ideas, I now collect knowledge that I can use to form or change my opinions. And I plan to continue this my whole life, facing new situations with an educated, open mind.
文章第一段把knowledge与a clear, open mind相提并论,都放在形成一个正确的世界观(form your own intelligent view of the world)的重要地位。
接下来可以继续发挥下,大致写成Example A中的某人或某事没有成功,但他们得到了什么样的教训,从而为什么样的成功打下了基础等等。
Statistics(统计学)is an interesting subject.
In a survey, 5000 students selected their usual methods of communicating with friends from the following three options: calling(C),text messaging(T),or instant messaging(I). The Venn diagram above shows the results of the survey. How many students selected exactly two of the three methods of communicating?
(C)the creation of an independent treasury, the establishment of lower tariffs, and the purchase of
2. 36
a: hey eve, how are you?
B: I’m fine, celia. And you?
A: I’m ok. I’m so busy!
B; do you have a lot of homework?
A: yes. Don’t you?
B: of course I do!
A: which class are you working on right now?
B; I’m studying for my chemistry exam tomorrow.
A: are you in mrs.green’s class?
B: yes. Are you?
A: yes. We must have the same exam tomorrow!
B: do you want to study together?
A; sure. This library is too quiet though.
B; do you want to go to and empty classroom?
A: that sounds good.
B; ok. Let’s go!
A: lucy, you’re back. How was your first day of school?
B; it was great. I had a really good time.
A; what classed did you have?
B: well, I had English from 9:00 to 11:00, art from 12:00 to 2:00, and math from 2:00 to 4:00.
A: what do you think about the teachers?
B; to be honest, I liked all of them, except for the math teacher. Though he must be quite young, he seem like an old person. He’s so boring!
A: that’s too bad. How was your English teacher?
B: she was great. In today’s class, she gave us a lecture on how to be a good student. She told us not to cram for exams, and to pay more attention on communicating that memorizing.