【例】The Swedish chemist called Pasch discovered amorphous phosphorus. 瑞典化学家帕斯发现了无定形磷。
Can he be very busy now?
[bsn'ti:izm]n. 旷课;旷工
The clue for the event, \"Hey Siri, give us a hint\" suggests that Siri may be involved. We\'d previously heard that HomeKit wouldn\'t be a big part of the launch, but the location, the Siri tie-in and the capacity of this event imply there has to be something beyond updated iPhone devices, a new Apple TV and the launch of watchOS 2.0.
as if/though
rog 要求arrogance(n. 傲慢,自大)
这说明,现在人们使用的书面语越来越口语化。It shows people are increasingly writing in a register somewhere in between spoken and written English.中国常见翻译是我们的中国雇员翻译的,更加口语化。Chinese common translation is the interpretation from a mainland Chinese speaker.“X就X”格式是生活中常见的一种口语化的格式。\"X Jiu X\" form is an ordinary spoken language often used in peoples daily life.译者和修辞顾问们努力想达到的,就是文体要清楚而自然&新国际版圣经使用的英文必须口语化而非习语化,现代化而非时代化;Concern for clear and natural English-that the New International Version should be idiomatic but not idiosyncratic, contemporary but not dated-motivated the translators and consultants.
[真题]Today,highly accurate timekeeping instruments set the beat for most electronic devices.
他的作品风格轻松口语化,可读性很强。He has a relaxed and conversational style of writing, which is very readable.谚语的通俗性特点与禅籍的口语化特征相一致。The popular feature of proverb suits to the oral feature of Zen books, there are manyproverbs.我发现很多英语学习者十分痴迷于俚语和习语,好像背诵一些十分口语化的表达方式就可以让他们的口语升级、听起来更加地道。I find that many learners have an obsession with slang and idioms, as if repeating some colloquial expressions is going to upgrade how they sound in a language.
【例】That house was swanky. [North Central Technical College, Wausau, WI, 1999]
by car/bus/train乘坐小汽车/公共汽车/火车