From that moment onward, politics and history became my passions. In school we had been taught that there was no society freer than the United States, but that was only part of the story. By reading about the political struggles of minorities, women, blue-collar workers, and others, I learned that freedom is not something you're given, it's something you have to fight for. And once you win it, you have to make sure no one tries to take it away again. I learned somuch from Mrs. Fletcher that day, and our conversation transformed me forever. I developed an awareness of the world around me, became less self-absorbed, and took a very important lesson from the past: progress begins with people who choose to stand up for what is right. It was like I'd had a rebirth after talking with Mrs. Fletcher, and that is why I agree with the idea that the most memorable days of our lives are those in which we learn something new about ourselves and experience an awakening.
In the literary world, success is measured by the number of books sold. Authors who sell millions of books are valued morethan those who sell hundreds of books, so it appears that worth, in this case, is best judged by a writer's productivity. This scenario, however, is misleading, since one writer may produce a single work that becomes a best-seller in comparison to another writer who produces dozens of works each of which sell a limited number. Which writer truly has more worth? A specific example o illustrate this scenario is Bill Clinton compared to Judy Blume. Clinton recently published his memories, which will likely be very successful and become a best-seller. Blume, the author of many books for teenagers, probably hasn't and won't ever appear on the best-seller list. Is Clinton worth more because his name and political career make his book successful? Or is Blume worth more because her portrayals of teen life affect many meaningful criteria of judging worth.
(C)but also accurately
I\'m looking forward to doing sth.的意思是“期待做某事”,这里的to是介词,后面要跟名词、代词或动名词。例如:
I\'m looking forward to your letter. 我期待收到你的回信。
006 Approval and Disapproval 天天学英语
1.Are you in favour of his opinion?
2.Is it ok now?
3.Do you approve of the new disign?
4.Good. It\'s the correct thing to do.
5.The idea is very good.
6.What an excellent idea.
7.I don\'t think that\'s very good.
8.That\'s silly.
9.Surely not.
10.I must say I disapprove of tax avoidence.
来自那不勒斯的设计师Fausto Sarli于上周六将他设计的一件珍品饰有水晶和螺形图案的粉色礼服献给了美国第一夫人米歇尔?奥巴马,并称这件礼服象征沙漠中的一束光。
I knew night skies in which meteors left smoky trails across sugary spreads of stars. (descriptive word choice so as to evoke the wonder of the night sky)
A box made of steel is stronger than one made of wood.
Before class begins, or before you sit down to study English sing a song in English to yourself. Make sure to use a song that you understand and know very well. This short and fun exercise will help your brain focus on the English language in a relaxing manner. It\'s important to be relaxed when you study English! Singing a song also helps activate the creative side of your brain which can help you come up with more examples as your practice conversation or do some creative writing.
是考查动名词的平行,所以在above all后面必然是一个带有-ing结构的成分。所以,首先把A、B和C排除。在D和E中,唯一的区别是D使用了is,而E使用了are,因为主语部分有三个成分,应该是复数,所以排除D。
effectively develops a point of view on the issue and demonstrates strong critical thinking, generally using appropriate examples, reasons, and other evidence to support its position
Adrienne Cecile Rich是美国著名的女权主义者、诗人和散文家,出生于1929年,被称为20世纪后期最有影响力的诗人。
(A)The bite pressure of wolves, harder than German Shepherds
It was zero hour and the doctor began the operation on the man. 关键时候到了,医生开始为那人做手术。