你有小一号的吗?Do you have smaller one?
我可以试穿吗? Can I try this on?
换衣间在哪? Where is the fitting room?
能给我看看另一件吗?Could you show me another one?
我能看一下这个包吗? Could you show me this bag?
我想退掉它。I’d like to return this
能换个新的吗? Could you change it for a new one?
我要3个这样的。I’d like three same as this.
太贵啦。It’s too expensive for me
我能买它免税吗?Can I buy it tax-free?
是不是帐单有错误。Is there a mistake in this bill?
我能得到些折扣吗?Can I get a little discount?
你们接受旅行支票吗?Do you accept traveler’s checks?
Have you given him a name?你给他取名字了吗?
sand. 当海水撞击到海堤几乎垂直的表面时,卷回了大量的沙子。
在给学生上阅读课或布置课后阅读作业时,教师只需讲解学生理解有困难的单词,其他生词的词义则可以引导学生通过对上下文的理解去猜测。例:Japanese students work very hard but many are unhappy. They feel heavy pressures from their parents. Most students are always told by their parents to study harder and better so that they call have a very wonderful life in the future.假定pressures是个生词,但学生联系上下文也不难推断出它的词义是“压力”。孤立的单词没有实际意义可言,只有把他们放在某个特定的语境中,才具有特定意义。把词汇与语境结合起来进行词汇教学,有助于学生正确区分词与词之间的差异并正确使用它们,还可帮助学生正确识别一些新生词,进而达到融会贯通。
perceptive [prseptv] a. 有感知的;有洞察力的
We are pleased to inform you that our company have marketed a new product .As we know, snazzy products have a good market opportunity now.our new product is a kind of snazzy products. Besides the quality of our products is the other strength.I think you have to acknowledge that this two will be more competitive and appeal to many customers.If you would like to take the matter further, please let us know.
stretch [stret] v. 延伸,拉长(*extend)
【参】emphasis(n. 强调,重点)
【例】A: What is that you are listening to? The beat's so strong that I can't concentrate on my work.
【参】consequent(a. 作为结果的)
sheer [r] a. 陡峭的(steep);绝对的(absolute)
removal [rmuvl] n. 除去(elimination);移动
propel [prpel] vt. 推进,驱使(push, drive)
【派】flattish(a. 稍平的)