desolate [deslt] a. 荒凉的(deserted)
penmanship [penmnp] n. 书法(calligraphy);书写的技巧或风格
【例】Many people consider John Watson to be the founder of behaviorism. 很多人认为约翰沃森是行为主义的创始人。
【例】What is the principle idea of the laisser faire policy? 自由放任政策的核心思想是什么?
episode [epsod] n. 一段时期(period);(电视剧的)一集;一段情节
【例】There has been a tendency to romanticize the accomplishments of the Group. 现今存在一种将该集团的成就传奇化的倾向。
B: That's a benefit you wouldn't have if you had taken the other job offer.
【搭】engage in 从事于…
【例】Before I go on to the biochemical specifics of how this works, let me provide a figurative example. 我先打一个比方,接着再具体解释这怎么发生了生化作用。
diverse [davrs] a. 不同的(*different);多样的(*varied, various)
【派】alikeness(n. 相像)
cushion [kn] n. 垫子(pillow) v. 缓冲(to protect against force or shock)
【搭】an explosive situation 一触即发的形势;an explosive news 爆炸性新闻
refreshing [rfrealt] a. 使人耳目一新的(*unusual);提神的
【例】The boundary lines between normality and pathology are often clearly delineated by medical science. 正常与反常的界限往往由医学来清楚地描述。
【搭】curriculum committee 课程编制委员会;advisory committee 咨询委员会
sand. 当海水撞击到海堤几乎垂直的表面时,卷回了大量的沙子。
communicate [kmjunket] vt. 通信,沟通;传达,传播(express, convey)
《侦探》 (Private Eye):http://www.private-eye.co.uk (适合喜欢破案类小说的中学生)
vicinity [vsnti] n. 邻近,附近