【搭】buddy system 各负责另一人之安全的两人同行制
【例】The skin of the grass mouse contains lots of melanin, or dark pigmments. 草鼠的皮肤包含很多黑色素。
【派】applicant(n. 申请者,请求者)
【例】I have taken some tablets that can make people feel rather sluggish. 我吃了一些会让人感到行动迟缓的药片。
costume [kstum] n. 服饰(dress)vt. 装束
【派】supremacy(n. 至高无上,霸权);supremely(ad. 至高无上地,崇高地)
【例】Political parties in the United States help to coordinate the campaigns of their members that mark election years. 美国的政党帮助配合其候选人在选举年的竞选。
【派】scholarly(a. 学术的,学术性的);scholarship(n. 奖学金)
B: Yes. Finally, I've been looking
syllable [slbl] n. 音节
【例】People were haunted by theprospect that unprecedented change in the nation's economy would bring social chaos. 国民经济前所未有的变化将导致社会动乱的可能性萦绕在人们心头。
custom [kstm] n. [常pl.]进口税(duties);海关
【例】Self-image can be indicated by a tone of voice that is confident, pretentious, shy, aggressive, or outgoing. 自我形象能够通过自信、做作、羞涩、挑衅或开朗的语气显示出来。
impetus [mpts] n. 促进,推动(impulse)
spontaneous [spntenis] a. 自发的,自然产生的(instinctive, unplanned)
【例】If you compare the earth and the moon in terms of substance, you will find the moon isn't much like the earth. 假如从物质的角度比较地球和月球,你会发现月球和地球不太像。