A: Have you finalized your plans for spring break yet?
【搭】count on 算上;lose count (of) 数不清;不知道
maintenance [mentnns] n. 维护,保养(upkeep)
sensible [sensbl] a. 明显的(perceptible);明智的(advisable);切合实际的(practical)
【例】The students in the laboratory helped sweep up the glass. 实验室里的学生帮着把玻璃擦干净了。
【记】和bonny(a. 美丽的)一起记
【例】The three-toed sloth has hook-like claws at the ends of its long bony arms. 三趾树懒瘦长的手臂末端长有钩子状的爪子。
count [kant] v. 数,计算(calculate);算入;看作,认为 n. 计数,计算
【例】Severin began to paint large, lush still lifes of flowers, fruit, or both. 塞弗兰开始创作花卉、水果或两者兼而有之的大幅葱翠静物写生。
maintenance [mentnns] n. 维护,保养(upkeep)
【例】People who're dieting need a variety of foods to assure a constant supply of nutrients their bodies need. 节食的人需要各种食物,以确保身体所需的营养能得到持续供应。//She assured him that the chapter was finished. 她向他保证这一章写完了。
【记】词根记忆:e+lig(=lect 选择)+ible→能被选择出来的→合格的
【搭】buddy system 各负责另一人之安全的两人同行制
【派】stringed(a. 有弦的)
【派】venturesome(a. 好冒险的)
【例】We'll use a buddy system throughout the ride. 我们将在整个驾车程中实行一项伙伴制度。
【例】The decision, made by the board of directors, is the result of collective agreement. 董事会做出决定的结果是集体同意。
dramatic [drmtk] a. 引人注目的(*striking);戏剧性的(theatrical);生动的(vivid)
【例】The two traditional methods can be used alternately during the manufacturing process. 这两种传统办法可以在生产过程中交替使用。