【例】Composers often write the
【派】rooster(n. 公鸡)
throw [θro] v. 扔,抛,投(fling)
additive [dtv] a. 添加的;加法的 n. 添加剂
classic [klsk] a. 经典的;典型的(typical) n. 经典作品(a work of enduring excellence);[pl.] 古典文学
【例】Many foreigners are curiousabout the cultural phenomena when they first pay a visit to America. 很多外国人初次拜访美国时都会对其文化现象感到困惑。
【例】The metal burned with an intense flash. 金属燃烧时发出了强烈的闪光。//It was the result of intense study.
renovate [renvet] vt. 修复(restore)
【例】The White House is the oldest public edifice in Washington D. C. 白宫是华盛顿特区最古老的公共建筑。
【例】Are you in any pain or is there any discharge in your ears? 你有痛感吗?你耳朵里是否有分泌物?//If too much volcanic heat is discharged, the crater's ice pack will melt away entirely. 假如释放出过多火山热量,火山口的冰层就会完全融化。
【派】reliability(n. 可靠性)
【例】The woman asked for an extension on the application deadline. 这个女子要求延长申请的截止期限。
story. 寓言是一种文学手法,通过这种手法把另外一层意思通常隐藏在一个故事里面。
outline [atlan] n. 轮廓(profile);概要(summarization) v. 描绘;略述
【派】assimilation(n. 消化,吸收;融合,同化)
【参】perception(n. 理解;感知);perceptual(a. 知觉的)