【例】I know many of you are already at the forefront of the work place technology. 我知道你们很多人已经处于车间技术的前沿领先水平。
supreme [suprim] a. 最高的;最重要的(*most outstanding)
trade [tred] n. 贸易,商业;职业,行业 v. 经商,交易;对换
【派】sculptor(n. 雕刻家);sculptural(a. 雕刻的,雕刻般的)
【记】来自figure(外形,象征)+ative →象征性的→比喻的
【派】originality(n. 创意,新奇);originally(ad. 独创地;最初)
B: Well, to be honest with you, I've never been a big fan of chocolate.
【记】在拉丁文中veto的意思是“我不准”(I forbid),在英语里则表示“否决”或“否决权”
【例】The peopling of the Pacific Islands has been described as the greatest feat of maritime colonization in human history. 太平洋岛屿上的人口定居被称为人类历史上海洋殖民最伟大的壮举。
【例】The two parties are debating politics on the radio. 两党派正在广播电台就政治议题进行辩论。
log [l] n. 圆木;木材(timber, wood)
【例】When speaking before a group, a person's tone may indicate unsureness or fright, confidence or calm. 在一群人面前说话时,一个人的语气可能显示出犹疑、恐惧、自信或镇静。
【派】steadily(ad. 稳定地)
【搭】look alike 看起来像
【例】A: Professor Jones, last night when I was putting the finishing touches on my paper, that electrical storm completely wiped out my computer files. Do you think I could have another day to retype it?
【例】He's an authority on energy sources. 他是能源方面的权威人士。//Your professor should have the authority to get something done about it. 你的教授应该有权让人对此采取shrunk so much that I can't wear it.