另外,开始一句话是不完整句子(sentence fragment),犯了一个语法大忌。
文章结构清楚,段落过渡自然(如第三段的第一句话起到了承上启下的作用,即My sister is a contrast to Jewel's effective combination of talent and motivation.)。作者具有一定的驾驭语言的能力(如wither from neglect等),句式结构多变,该简单就简单,该用笔墨的地方就用笔墨,而且全文没有文法上的错误。
例:The positive number n is the product of three different prime numbers greater than 2. If the sum of these three prime numbers is also prime, what is the smallest possible value of n?
第三段,讲学生,以作者身边贪玩的学生Tom为例。(In school, he agrees to the teachers every recommendation; ...However, after school, his actions differ.)
It was that year that my mind openedand I began to truly become educated. Rather than trying to fill my head with disconnected facts and other people's ideas, I now collect knowledge that I can use to form or change my opinions. And I plan to continue this my whole life, facing new situations with an educated, open mind.
Another unsuccessful endeavour was the Vietnam War. America sent troops to Vietnam to prevent the country from becoming Communist. However, after many years of struggle, the troops were withdrawn and Vietnam fell to the Communist party. But this failure had much value. On one hand, our failure in Vietnam led to an important lesson in successful war strategy. The experience of the fierce guerrilla warled to changes in tactics that later helped America in other conflicts. Also, the Vietnam failure helped change the American culture. People protested the war and the government responded to the voice of the public. These important changes show the value that can come from failure.
平均数(average, arithmetic mean):若干个数的平均数,是用这些数的和除以数的个数。
9. How many are there three-digit positive integers that satisfies all of the following conditions?
她的生平也可以说是女性觉醒、对自身角色重新认识的一个缩影。她24岁与Alfred Haskell Conrad结婚,育有三子,使得她无法专注于自己的写作,这种状态也让她觉得不满足(These conflicting roles and ambitions left her unfulfilled)。