【例】I'm counting on you to make notes from the history lecture. 我正指望着你记历史课的笔记呢。
【例】A: Would you like to try the new seafood restaurant tonight? I hear it's very good.
【派】renewable(a. 可再生的);renewed(a. 更新的);renewal(n. 更新;复兴)
【搭】to be honest 老实说,实话实说
shuttle [tl] n. 航天飞机
n. 一段路程;延伸
interior [ntrir] n. /a. 内部(的)(inner)n. [the~] 内陆(inland)
【例】If the computer doesn't break down again, the data will be available to us soon. 假如电脑不再死机,我们就能很快得到数据。
contrast [kntrst] n. 对比,对照
【例】People who're dieting need a variety of foods to assure a constant supply of nutrients their bodies need. 节食的人需要各种食物,以确保身体所需的营养能得到持续供应。//She assured him that the chapter was finished. 她向他保证这一章写完了。
A: I heard you were thinking of applying for a job as a camp counselor.
rustic [rstk] a. 用粗糙的木材制作的
【例】The three-toed sloth has hook-like claws at the ends of its long bony arms. 三趾树懒瘦长的手臂末端长有钩子状的爪子。
【派】statehood(n. 州的状态或地位);stately [ad. /a. 庄重地(的);宏伟地(的)];statement(n. 陈述,声明)