【派】artistically(ad. 艺术地)
alike [lak] a. 相同的,相似的(same, similar)
【派】stringed(a. 有弦的)
parallel [prlel] n. 纬线 a. 平行的;相似的(*similar) vt. 与…平行,比较
balance [blns] vt. 使平衡,使均衡(equilibrate)n. 天平,称;平衡(equilibrium);差额;余款
sand. 当海水撞击到海堤几乎垂直的表面时,卷回了大量的沙子。
coarse [krs] a. 粗(糙)的(*rough)
forward to it all year.
【例】Members of congress have to spend most of their time in Washington taking care of their legislative duties. 国会议员大部分时间要待在华盛顿履行立法职责。
【参】attitude(n. 观点,态度);latitude(n. 纬度);altitude(n. 海拔,高度)
【例】Compared to lunar space suits, Martian space suits will require smaller air tanks; and to allow for freer movement; the elbow and knee areas of the space suits will also be altered. 与登月太空服相比,火星太空服所需的气罐更小,穿着活动更加自由,其肘部和膝部也将有所改变。
pollen [pln] n. 花粉
compare to 比喻为,把…比作;with compare 无与伦比
【例】Are you ready to start studying for the test yet or to wrap up in that TV show? 你准备好开始复习考试了吗,依然要专心看那个电视节目?//Let's wrap up the job and go home. 我们把工作干完回家吧。
【例】Scientists support the theory of relativity with copious evidence. 科学家们用大量证据支持相对论。
【搭】deficiency symptom 营养缺乏症状
【例】Beads come in shapes, colors, and materials that almost compel one to handle them and to sort them. 珠子丰富各异的形状、色彩和材料,驱使人们把玩挑选。