【例】You may pay your account at branches of the Federal Bank. 你可以在联邦银行的分行支付款项。
[':gju:]v. 争论,说服
【例】Membership gives wide access to activities like basketball and football as well as barbecues and other social functions. 会员可以参加各种活动,诸如打篮球、踢足球、吃烧烤以及其它社
This allows them to make new friends who share the similar interests and remain active and enjoy their old age.
动词表示一种动态,新闻标题在浓缩新闻内容时,如能恰到好处地用上一个动词,就能增色不少,给人以形象生动、跃然纸上的感觉。如Attack hits US Financial sector,too.远比Attack in US Financial sector,too.具体而达意。标题中用了动词,固然好处不少,但也给我们阅读英文报刊增加了一个困难。
The state of Texas in the United States of America is suffering a shortage of water with the Rio Grande falling to reach the Gulf of Mexico for the first time in 50 years in the spring of 2000, pitting region against region as they vie for water sources. With many parts of the globe running dry through drought and increased water consumption, there is now talk of water being the new oil.
[k'm:l]a. 商业的;商品化的
On Saturday, I’m going to do my homework first. Then I’m going to buy a book about Harry Potter. It’s my favorite book. I have a lot of posters of Harry Potter.
omb-diggity (adj)
Who can it be at this time of day?这个时候到底会是谁呢?