例:If (x-2)2=36 and x<0,what is the value of x?
How many people were present at the meeting? 参加会议的有多少人? (就主语提问)
(C)an extraction is resulting in chewing problems
传统的学习法:单词+语法++做题对考试有些用处,但我用此法学了近10年英语却一无所成。要提高英语水平首先要打通两关:耳朵和嘴巴。比较好的方法就是听说结合。不要忘了 听 这个字左边是一个 口 。听和说是不分家的。要提高必然要说,要随心所欲说也必须要不断听。记住听的时候要一句一句模仿,播音员怎么说你怎么说,要练的尽可能和播音员相近。不要理会所说的句子是什么含义,更不要去翻译,你所做的就是鹦鹉学舌。要以句子为单位,不要以段落为单位。当水平提高了才可以段落为单位模仿、复述。你觉得老外语速快是因为你的嘴巴不能以这样快的速度来说,能看得懂文章却听不懂,是因为你不能像老外那样正确地读这篇文章。你读的文章和老外对比会发现,你读得不对,没有掌握发音技巧,尤其是连读、爆破音、省音、节奏等。如果你读得和老外一样正确,你可不可能听不懂呢?记住:你能正确说出来,让老外读给你听,你也能听懂。你能以多快速度来说英语,你的耳朵就能接受多快的语速。听力还有一个难点就是你对常用单词和短语的反应速度。用我说的方法边听、边模仿再背诵就可以突破这个难点。我之所以能听懂,是因为500遍的模仿背诵,使我对新2的掌握程度达到了 化 的地步。新2中都是常用的单词、短语和句型,而常用词汇、短语和句型,大多数都包含在新2中了,因此听懂就容易了。原先做listen to this的题觉得挺难,现在觉得并不难了。
她的生平也可以说是女性觉醒、对自身角色重新认识的一个缩影。她24岁与Alfred Haskell Conrad结婚,育有三子,使得她无法专注于自己的写作,这种状态也让她觉得不满足(These conflicting roles and ambitions left her unfulfilled)。
If you will commit to this, you will experience love as God means it to be, filledhope, energy, and joy.
Neapolitan designer Fausto Sarli on Saturday dedicated the jewel of his collection -- a pinkish gown studded with crystals and lavish swirls -- to U.S. First Lady Michelle Obama, saying it represented a light in the desert.
\"I was in Times Square when he was elected and it was like just such a beautiful emotion. I had the sensation of flying,\" Guillermo Mariotto, who designed the kaftan for Roman fashion house Gattinoni, told reporters.
Another unsuccessful endeavour was the Vietnam War. America sent troops to Vietnam to prevent the country from becoming Communist. However, after many years of struggle, the troops were withdrawn and Vietnam fell to the Communist party. But this failure had much value. On one hand, our failure in Vietnam led to an important lesson in successful war strategy. The experience of the fierce guerrilla warled to changes in tactics that later helped America in other conflicts. Also, the Vietnam failure helped change the American culture. People protested the war and the government responded to the voice of the public. These important changes show the value that can come from failure.
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针对本题,一个核心提示是our bodiesand lungs里的our,那么在划线部分里的代词应该和our保持一致,但在五个选项里有很多代词都不是和our相匹配的(如A里的you和E的people),所以应该先排除A和E。